
Supreme Court Issues Landmark Insurance Decision

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The Supreme Court of Texas, long known as a business-oriented court, recently decided a landmark insurance case that provides clarity for insurance companies and policyholders, removing any argument for the Blue Tarp Bills (HB 1774 & SB 10). 

Press Release: Senate Business & Commerce Committee Approves Blue Tarp Bill

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The Texas Senate Business & Commerce Committee voted 7-1 today to approve SB 10, one of the Blue Tarp Bills being pushed by the property insurance industry and their colleagues at TLR. 

Texas Watch Executive Director Ware Wendell released the following statement: "This legislation threatens every property owner in this state. It is a giveaway to insurance companies at the expense of Texas families, businesses, churches, and schools. Lawmakers should represent their constituents, not the insurance industry."

Eliminate Phantom Policies: Tell Your State Rep to Support HB 915

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Phantom policies are haunting Texas roads. HB 915 will remove these dangerous junk policies and it's critical that your legislator hears your voice. Take these few simple steps below to call your Texas State Representative in support of HB 915 by Representative Ed Thompson:

1) Look up who represents you at:

2) Input your address and press "Find Rep"

Press Statement on Committee Vote on HB 1774, the Blue Tarp Bill

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Ware Wendell, Executive Director of Texas Watch, a non-partisan citizen advocacy organization that works to protect policyholders, released the following statement regarding HB 1774, one of the Blue Tarp Bills, which passed the House Committee on Insurance today on a 6-3 vote:

Texas Watch Testifies Against Blue Tarp Bills

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Texas Watch testified against HB 1774, one of the Blue Tarp Bills, at the House Insurance Committee hearing this week. Watch and read Executive Director Ware Wendell's testimony below. Then, please take one minute to sign the petition to preserve policyholder protections here

Lawmakers Take Steps Towards Safer Roads

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Texas lawmakers are one step closer to clearing road blocks to a #SafeTexas. Yesterday, the House Insurance Committee unanimously approved HB 915, which would remove dangerous phantom insurance policies from Texas roads. 

Texas Watch's Written Testimony for HB 719

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We entrust our medical care to professionals. Often, these professionals save lives. But sometimes this trust is violated and precious lives are ended or changed forever through carelessness or incompetence. When this happens, in the quest for accountability, the question arises: What is that person’s life worth?

Press Release: House Insurance Hearing on HB 1774

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After being rejected last session, insurance lobbyists are again pushing legislation (HB 1774 & SB 10, more aptly called the "Blue Tarp Bills") that would lessen penalties for property insurers that hurt their customers. 

Texas Watch Executive Director Ware Wendell released the following statement concerning HB 1774, which was heard today in the House Committee on Insurance: 

Insurance Companies Hurt

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We give insurers our hard-earned dollars year after year and count on them to help us in our time of need. But too often insurers choose to pad their profits instead, hurting us by unfairly denying, delaying and underpaying valid claims.



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When car wrecks happen, Texans rely on insurance to help them get back on their feet. But with over 1.5 million vehicles driving with “phantom coverage,” Texas families are finding themselves unprotected and hung out to dry by insurers selling junk policies.