
Episode 3: “The Second Storm”

How do Texans rebuild in the wake of catastrophe? After devastating storms ravage their homes, businesses, and churches, many Texans faced a second storm: dealing with their insurance company. This month, we talked to policyholders about SB1628, the insurance industry’s effort to erode the last line of defense for policyholders against low, slow, or no payments on their valid claims. Then Executive Director Alex Winslow explains how the bill could negatively impact all Texans.

Our Take: Perry’s Farewell Address

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Gov. Rick Perry gave his farewell address before a joint session of the legislature today. He touted his record of severely restricting access to legal accountability, pointing specifically to sweeping 2003 legislation that closed the courthouse doors for countless Texans.

Even as he exits the stage, Gov. Perry is a cheerleader for his broken special interest policies that shield polluters, dangerous doctors, makers of dangerously defective products, and big insurance companies from accountability for needless physical and financial harm.

Safe Texas Agenda

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As our state’s economy thrives and our population booms, Texas families and communities face new threats to their physical and financial safety. We call on lawmakers to take steps during the 84th Legislature to help Texans thrive in our Texas economy by adopting a Safe Texas Agenda.