
Auto Insurance Open Records Request

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We filed this open records request with the Texas Department of Insurance to see the language auto insurers are using to limit the amount they pay for repairs. Inadequate payments lead to corner cutting. Safety suffers. Insurance companies shouldn't be able to threaten your family's safety by writing policies that game the system. 


Hurricane Preparedness

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Here are our top three tips to prepare for hurricane season in Texas. 

For more information on evacuation routes, please visit here.

In Depth: Auto Legislation

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We pay over $20 billion in premiums to auto insurance companies each year. Many insurance carriers take advantage of Texas families through gotcha policies, pressure tactics, and deny, delay, underpay schemes.

Four bills at the Texas Capitol will crack down on this abuse. Learn more and take a few seconds to add your name to the petition in support of these great consumer bills.

Session Update #2

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Things are moving fast at the Texas Capitol.

Insurance Committee Hearing on HB 259

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Exec. Dir. Ware Wendell testified today in the House Insurance Committee in favor of HB 259 that would make our roads safer by eliminating dangerous Phantom Policies also known as Named Driver Policies. 

When wrecks happen, Texans rely on insurance to help them get back on their feet, but families are too often finding themselves unprotected and hung out to dry by insurers selling these junk phantom policies. 

National Safety Advocate Supports Push for Auto Safety in Texas

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(Photo: National safety advocate Todd Tracy and Texas Watch Deputy Director Tara Lee)

National safety advocate and attorney Todd Tracy, who has testified before Congress seven times on auto safety measures, supported the effort to protect Texas families on our roads with another $50,000 contribution to the cause today. Texas Watch is working with a coalition of leading auto safety specialists, pushing for changes to our insurance laws in order to end abusive insurance schemes and corner cutting that costs lives. 


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WHAT: Rally for automobile safety at the Texas Capitol.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 12th at 2 p.m.

WHERE: West lawn of the Texas Capitol at 12th and Colorado St.

WHO: Executive Director of the public safety group Texas Watch, Presidents of the Auto Body Association of Texas and the Houston Auto Body Association, as well as scores of concerned auto safety specialists from around the state.

How We Fight

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For 20 years, Texas Watch has fought for the rights of policyholders, consumers, and patients, advocating for public safety and full accountability through our courts as the Founders intended.

The Greatness of America

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Today, we celebrate the life of one of the greatest figures in history, a man who led the movement to hold America to its promise. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew that America was as great as its people -- all of its people. He gave his life for this sacred cause. Our debt to him and his family is immeasurable.