Lawmakers Take Steps Towards Safer Roads
Texas lawmakers are one step closer to clearing road blocks to a #SafeTexas. Yesterday, the House Insurance Committee unanimously approved HB 915, which would remove dangerous phantom insurance policies from Texas roads.
Phantom Policies are haunting our roadways, leaving Texas families unprotected and hung out to dry. These junk policies fail to cover any household member not specifically named on the policy, meaning a policyholder’s child or spouse may not be covered in the event of a car crash despite the vehicle being insured and the driver obtaining permission to drive the vehicle.
Despite disclosure requirements, many policyholders purchasing Phantom Policies don’t understand or know the limitations of their so-called “coverage.” Texans hit by these drivers are then left in the lurch with expensive repairs or medical bills.
HB 915 would clear the 1.5 million vehicles insured with Phantom Policies from Texas roadways and remove road blocks to a #SafeTexas.
Don't let Phantom Policies haunt you. Tell your lawmaker to say "yes" to HB915 today.