In the News: Fight between business and safety at the Capitol
Matt Grant, investigative reporter with KXAN, and his team recently explored a fight brewing at the Texas Capitol between corporate lobbyists and Texans in harm's way on our roads. His deeply-reported piece profiled Jay Rosenberg, who lost his wife and daughter to a dangerous truck in 2018. Mr. Rosenberg opposed efforts in 2021 to restrict the rights of victims of commercial vehicle crashes. He continues to courageously push for real safety reforms that would save lives.
Corporate lobbyists are back at the Capitol with their hands out, demanding more special privileges for special interests. Ware Wendell, Executive Director of Texas Watch, stated, "There is no reason for a trucking special privileges bill in this state and there’s certainly no reason to expand it. It’s going to take our roads, which are already the most deadly in the country, far and away, and make them even less safe.” He added, "Have you no shame?”
After decades of harmful tort "reform," Texas Watch will fight any efforts to further restrict the legal rights of Texas families. We need to protect life in our state, not those who take it.
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